Monday, January 12, 2009

2 days and counting

It's 9:20 pm on 1/12. We had a big day today. We went to the clinic to have Allison checked over by "doctors." Allison had her Visa picture taken for travel back to the U.S. And the famous (or infamous) Red Couch picture was taken. Aside from all of that, a few other milestones reached were: Allison fed herself noodles and pork (we had no idea she could even do this) and Darcie was able to put Allison to sleep without any help from Steve.

The visit to the clinic was much like a trip back in time to the 1920's with doctors and attendants wearing white uniforms and masks. We all filed in and were told to go to 3 stations (ENT, height/weight/temperature, and Medical/Surgery). She weighs 15.3 lbs. The doctors poked and prodded her and she only cried a little. They checked her ears and they declared she does not have an ear infection, which is good news.


  1. Sounds like all is fallig in place... & feeding herself, that is GREAT!!! Hi to all & have a safe trip back to the states. Randy & Jody

  2. Wow, two more days! I'll bet you can hardly wait to get to Deerfield. I'm so glad to hear that Allison does not have an ear infection. Hopefully, that will make the trip home a little easier. You're in my thoughts 24/7!


