Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We're still working it out

"They" say that for every hour in time change, it takes a day to get back to normal. China being 14 hours different than Illinois, we have at least another week before we can attempt a more predictable sleep schedule. The other families in our adoption group are going through the same ordeal - which means we're all up, from Connecticut to California, from about 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.! We slept until 10:30 this morning - something I haven't done since college. Funny how quickly the day goes when you're in pajamas until 1 pm.

Yesterday we took our first trip to one of Darcie's favorite spots - the mall. It was mainly an opportunity to get out of the house and test drive the stroller, which can't be done outside right now. It was also an opportunity to take Allison somewhere she wouldn't be stuck with a needle (although Steve would rather be stuck with needles than go to the mall). Steve rode in the back seat with Allison to keep her company. Upon being put into the car seat, she stared ahead blankly as if to say, "I didn't ask for ANY of this." All in all we deemed the outing a success as it took only 2 attempts to seat her in the stroller and she lasted 45 minutes before fussing ensued (Cheerios were invoked for the final 5 minutes). It was also a success because Darcie found a really cute red/brown velour hoodie for Allison on sale for $5.98 at Baby Gap (can you tell who is writing this entry?).

By and large all is going well. Allison is certainly feeling better, eating more and inching out of her shell more and more all the time.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. She is so beautiful. I can not wait to meet her. What an experience. Once the routines settle in a bit, I see her heading off for a Mickey pancake to the Cherry Pit with us! Yay!
