Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just your basic 10 month old

For anyone who has had a 10 month old, we're pretty much your basic household ... two naps a day, experimenting with foods, playing with toys, dropping things on the floor a million times and looking at one's own reflection. Sounds eerily similar to my 18 month retirement.

Allison loves people of all ages, especially children. We're taking visitors, but with the napping schedule and bedtime schedule, there are just a few short windows of opportunity (and I would at least like to have regular clothes on and my teeth brushed). Feel free to call for an appointment.
: )

Here are some recent pictures.

All our best!
Darcie, Steve & Allison


  1. I'm so glad you are continuing the updates and photos ! I love reading the blog. keep it coming!
    Aunt Gaile
    P.S. I wish I were able to stop by to see Allison!

  2. Ha! Has she started french-kissing her own reflection in the mirror or the oven door? :)
